First of all, here are cats.

They're from the second issue of The Demon Tomato, which is getting finished off right now, ready for print some time very soon. They were coloured especially to be turned into a mothers' day card, on the basis that they're cuddly without being horrendous, so here they are presented in full living colour. The second issue is slightly slow going, because I'm still entangled in a lengthy battle with a malfunctioning computer, but the actual drawing and inking is going very well.
"But!" You say, if you've read the comic, and if you haven't you can pretend to have by nodding and pretending you said "But! I very plainly saw at the end of the first issue several drawings from the second. What's the story, is it done or isn't it?"
Well, it is, and in fact it already was when I printed issue one. But there have been problems with it, one of them being that it didn't have the right number of pages to make up the numbers you need to print something. To that end I've been drawing some new pages, telling some bits of story that I should've told in the first place anyway.
And here is one such page, this is the latest new page for issue two, presented here in full because I don't think it's got any particular story spoilers in it.
Enjoy! And click on it to enjoy it bigger, big enough to read.

There! If you did enjoy, read the rest of the comic when it comes out. Meanwhile the first issue is
still available, hint hint. If you live in Manchester like I do, you can find the comic on sale in two places without having to wait for it to arrive in the post. Travelling Man, that nice comic shop in the Northern Quarter (over the zebra crossing between Forbidden Planet and Affleck's), and Sandbar, which is a pub just near the Man Met art building on Oxford Road. Which, if you've never looked at the writing on it, is the one that's got a little park in front of it where the fruit cart is. You know the place. Cross the road and head up the road you can head up and it's on the left. Yeah, there. No, on the - yeah.